- Check out time in July and August is 10 a.m., for the other months it’s negotiable
- Always respect the property and privacy of others
- Only 2 vehicles per cottage, parking & access driveways are indicated on the confirmation page
- Only ONE guest car allowed per cottage at a time
- You are completely responsible for the behaviour of any your guests and the result of their actions
- No outdoor music broadcasting
- The cottage park uses town sewers, please don’t put anything down the drains or toilet that is not organic
- The maximum number of persons per cottage is 6, for cabins the limit is 4 (including children)
- Extra overnight visitors must pay $10.00 per night per person
- You are free to use the fire pit at the end of the driveway but share it with other cottagers
- Please report anything you find broken or item you would like to have and can’t find, we might have it for you
- Kitchen garbage is to be deposited in the wooden bin by the older cottage garage in tightly tied bags
- We recycle, please separate glass and plastic from the other garbage
Thank you!
Mark and Peter